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How to Prevent Rice Weevils in Commodities

Insect infestations in stored agricultural commodities can bring irreparable damage, resulting to billions of dollars in post-harvest losses every year. Globally, insects plague farms and warehouses, creating problems and difficulties for farmers and traders alike. One such insect is the rice weevil.


Reducing Environmental Risks Through Post harvest Systems

Scientists are worried that the worsening climate change, extreme droughts and floods, will further increase the number...

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Reducing Aflatoxins In Groundnuts Could Lead To Higher Profits

Preliminary results of a new study from the US Agency for International Development (USAID) Peanut and Mycotoxin...

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How to Prevent Rice Weevils in Commodities

Insect infestations in stored agricultural commodities can bring irreparable damage, resulting to billions of dollars...

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