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How to Prevent Rice Weevils in Commodities

Insect infestations in stored agricultural commodities can bring irreparable damage, resulting to billions of dollars in post-harvest losses every year. Globally, insects plague farms and warehouses, creating problems and difficulties for farmers and traders alike. One such insect is the rice weevil.


Preventing Lesser Grain Borers in Stored Grains

Insects play a huge role in causing significant post-harvest losses of grains every year. This leads to food insecurity...

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Protecting Beehives from Greater Wax Moths with Hermetic Technology

Bees are an essential part of the global ecosystem as pollinators and providers of honey, which is a high-valued...

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How to Prevent Rice Weevils in Commodities

Insect infestations in stored agricultural commodities can bring irreparable damage, resulting to billions of dollars...

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