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How to Prevent Rice Weevils in Commodities

Insect infestations in stored agricultural commodities can bring irreparable damage, resulting to billions of dollars in post-harvest losses every year. Globally, insects plague farms and warehouses, creating problems and difficulties for farmers and traders alike. One such insect is the rice weevil.


4 Tips to Avoid Mold Growth in Stored Grains

Mold growth in dried food such as grains, maize, or rice is not an appetizing sight. Farmers and handlers detest mold...

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Why Silo Storage is Problematic

Many of those in the agricultural sector are familiar with silo storage as a means to hold bulk commodities such as...

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Post-harvest Storage That Can Help Save The Planet

Today, the effects of climate change is being felt all over the world. Rising temperatures in the atmosphere caused by...

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